

Et surrealistisk møde

2. marts - 14. april 2024

Farum Kulturhus

Gruppeudstilling: Den vågne drøm II

24. april - 22. maj 2021

Bredgade Kunsthandel

Gruppeudstilling: Den vågne drøm

21. november - 10. januar 2021


Realistisk Set

12. april - 19. maj 2018

Bredgade Kunsthandel

Copenhagen Art Space

30. marts - 1. april 2018

Art Nordic 2017

28.-30. april på Stand 120

Mine værker er narrative tableauer, hvis udgangspunkt ofte er et dystopisk/post-apokalyptisk univers, der udenfor tid og sted udstiller menneskehedens afgrundsdybe dårskab. I universet findes der også håb, baseret på menneskets snarrådighed og vilje til at overleve - og i de bedste stunder - empati, kærlighed og humor.

At definere egen malestil/teknik og sætte det i kontekst til de mange ”ismer”, perioder og retninger der findes i kunsthistorien er en udfordring.

Dog er der klare referencer til barokkens clairobscur teknik, renæssancens portrætter og religiøse tableauer, 1800 tallets symbolisme, surrealismens absurditeter, de organiske former i art nouveau og en twist af rusten industri sci-fi.

Inspirationskilderne er mange, men især Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Zurbarán, Holbein, Magritte, Rodney Matthews, Michael Whelan, Odd Nerdrum og Giger har inspireret mig gennem årene.

Jeg arbejder hovedsageligt i olie, men akryl og blyantstegninger findes også i min portfolio.


Sideløbende med mit kunstneriske virke, har jeg gennem tre årtier arbejdet som grafisk designer og illustrator, hovedsageligt indenfor kulturen; udstillingskataloger, logoer, jazzplakater og CD covers for rockbands mv.

Ud over autodidakt nysgerrighed udi malekunsten, skylder jeg en stor tak til Grafisk Designer John Burridge og kunstmaler Håkan Nyström, der har guidet mig med gode råd ift. teknikker og ikke mindst samtaler om kunstens mange facetter.

Martin Burridge, København, 2017

My works of art are narrative tableaux. The starting point is often a dystopian/post-apocalyptic universe outside time and space that exhibits mankinds abysmal folly. In the universe there is also hope, based on human resourcefulness and determination to survive - and in the best of moments - empathy, love and humor.

Defining my own style of painting and technique and put it in context of the many periods and directions found in the history of art, is a challenge. However, there are clear references to the Baroque Chiaroscuro technique, portraits and religious tableaux of the Renaissance, 1800 century Symbolism, the absurdities of Surrealism, the organic forms of Art Nouveau and a twist of rusty Industrial Sci-fi.

The sources of inspiration are many, but especially Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Zurbarán, Holbein, Magritte, Rodney Matthews, Michael Whelan, Odd Nerdrum and Giger has inspired me over the years.

I work mainly in oils, but acrylic and pencil drawings are also part of my portfolio.


In addition to my oil painting, I've been working as a graphic designer and illustrator for three decades, primarily within the culture; exhibition catalogs, logos, jazz posters and CD covers for rock bands, etc.

Besides being a self-taught artist, I owe a big thanks to graphic designer John Burridge and artist Håkan Nyström, who has guided me with advice in relation to techniques and especially the long conversations about the history of art, and it's many facets and directions.

Martin Burridge, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017

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